Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Blog #13--Ecofeminism

     Before I read the articles, I had a certain view of ecofeminism because I have heard about it before. I thought the basis of it was that we as a society were treating the planet as we treat women as a whole: subjugating and enforcing our will on it. After reading the articles, I realized my original idea was on the right path, but not totally correct. Ecofeminism deals with the idea that women have a greater sense in the area of saving the planet because women are inherently closer to nature than are men. I did have sort of a strong reaction to that because I believe they are making a strong generalization. I know that nature is referred to as a mother, but I feel that there are many guys out there who are more inclined to the needs of nature than some women. I feel that many guys do not care about the environment, but I personally care more than some women do.
     The biggest form of dominance I see today is the dominance humans have over the planet and its resources. As a whole, we are not thinking of preserving the planet, we are thinking about preserving our profit. This really bothers me how we have an all-take and no-give mentality. Humans in general need to be more in-tune with nature.

1 comment:

  1. Cameron, you make an interesting point about the issues and misperceptions that have been socially constructed about nature. Although it may seem harmless to refer to the earth as "mother earth" or "mother nature" it causes a separation between the sexes to occur. I believe that this type of misperceived separation can be very damaging to social equality between the sexes.
